Meeting with an Academic Advisor
All Clark School students are required to attend a mandatory advising appointment with their academic advisor each semester.
Fall & Spring Semesters: Mechanical engineering students may set up an appointment with their advisor using TerpEngage. In the event that you are unable to see your advisor in TerpEngage please email them directly.
Summer semesters: Email your advisor directly to set up an appointment.
As a gentle reminder, please allow us up to 2-3 business days to reply to any inquiries.

Timmy Farrell –
Advises students with last names starting with K, M, P, Q, and Z.

Juana Hurtado –
Advises students with last names starting with: F, G, H, I, J, and L and in the USMSM cohort.

Kerri Poppler James –
Advises students with last names starting with N and O.

Julie Siedel (formerly Servidio) –
Advises students with last names starting with A, B, C, D, E, W, X, and Y.

Fitzgerald Walker –
Advises students with last names starting with R, S, T, U, and V.