Course Syllabi by Semester
These syllabi are here to give students an idea of course content for the Fall 2025 semester. These syllabi are subject to change. Please contact the professor for the course if you have any questions.
Fall 2025 Registration and Electives Handout
ENME401: Entrepreneurial Design Realization
ENME408: Automotive Design
ENME416: Additive Manufacturing
ENME422: Indoor Environment and Mechanical Systems
ENME 423: Building Cooling, Heating, and Power BCHP Integration
ENME 425: Energy Conversion Systems for Sustainability
ENME 426: Production Management
ENME 430: Fundamentals of Nuclear Reactor Engineering
ENME432: Nuclear Technology Laboratory
ENME434: Engineering Quantum Systems and Sensors
ENME440: Applied Machine Learning for Engineering and Design
ENME441: Mechatronics and the IOT
ENME 444: Assistive Robotics
ENME454: Vehicle Dynamics
ENME 467: Engineering for Social Change
ENME 470: Finite Element Analysis
ENME 473: Mechanical Design of Electronic Systems
ENME 489F: Dynamics of Atmospheric Flight
ENME 489O: Design for Manufacturing and Assembly
ENME 489U: Fluid Structure Interaction
ENME 489V: Mechanical Contracting
Spring 2025 Registration & Electives Handout
ENME 401, Engineering Design Realization: Project Info
ENME 406, Rollercoaster Engineering – Cancelled
ENME 408, Automotive Design
ENME 413, Bio-Inspired Robotics
ENME 416, Additive Manufacturing
ENME 420, De-carbonization of Building Systems through Energy Audit, Renewable Energy, and Electrification
ENME 427, CSI Mechanical: Finding Reasons for Compromised Structural Integrity
ENME 431, Nuclear Reactor and System Safety
ENME 433, Nuclear Reactor Design
ENME 435, Remote Sensing
ENME 436, Sustainable Energy
ENME440, Applied Machine Learning for Engineering and Design
ENME461, Control Systems Laboratory
ENME 464, Cost Analysis for Engineers
ENME 466, Lean Six Sigma – Cancelled
ENME 488A, Urgency and Agency
ENME489A, Optimal Control of Energy Systems
ENME 489D, Flight Dynamics and Simulation
ENME 489E, Design for Sustainability
ENME 489I: High-performance Computing and Data Science in Engineering – Cancelled
ENME 489P, Control of Smart Structures
ENME 489Q, Managing for Innovation and Quality
ENME 489W, Aircraft Propulsion, Power, and Thermal Systems Design and Simulation
ENRE 447: Fundamentals of Reliability Engineering
Fall 2024 Registration & Electives Sheet
ENME 401: Entrepreneurial Design Realization – Dr. Bigio
ENME 401: Entrepreneurial Design Realization – Dr. Nguyen
ENME 408: Selected Topics in Engineering Design; Automotive Design
ENME 416: Additive Manufacturing
ENME 417: Numerical Methods in Engineering
ENME 423: Modern Climate Control and Building Energy esign/Analysis
ENME 424: Urban Microclimate and Energy
ENME425: Energy Conversion Systems and Sustainability
ENME 426: Product Management
ENME430: Fundamentals of Nuclear Reactor Engineering
ENME 432: Reactor and Radiation Measurements Laboratory
ENME434: Engineering Quantum Systems and Sensors
ENME441: Mechatronics and the Internet of Things
ENME 444: Assistive Robotics
ENME 454: Vehicle Dynamics
ENME 470: Finite Element Analysis
ENME 473: Mechanical Design of Electronic Systems
ENME 480: Introduction to Robotics
ENME 489C: Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering; sustainable Energy Conversion and the Environment
ENME489F: Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering; Dynamics of Atmospheric Flight
ENME489O: Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering; Design for Manufacturing and Assembly
ENME 489U: Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering; Fluid Structure Interactions
ENME 489V: Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering; Mechanical Contracting
ENME 401: Engineering Design Realization
ENME 406: Roller Coaster Engineering
ENME 408: Automotive Design
ENME 410: Design Optimization
ENME 413: Bio-Inspired Robotics
ENME416: Additive Manufacturing
ENME420: De-carbonization of Building Systems through Energy Audit, Renewable Energy, and Electrification
ENME424: Urban Microclimate and Energy
ENME 427: CSI – Mechanical Eng: Finding Reasons for Compromised Structural Integrity [Video]
ENME 431: Nuclear Reactor Systems & Safety [Video]
ENME 433: Nuclear Reactor Design
ENME 436: Sustainable Energy
ENME 461: Control Systems Lab
ENME 464: Cost Analysis for Engineers [Video]
ENME 465: Probability Based Design [Video]
ENME 466: Lean Six Sigma Strategy & Methods [Video]
ENME 467: Engineering for Social Change
ENME 488A: Urgency and Agency: Tackling Local (and Global) Sustainability Challenges
ENME 489D: Flight Dynamics & Simulation [Video]
ENME489E: Design for Sustainability
ENME489M: Advanced Fluid Mechanics with Applications (Pre-req: ENME202 and ENME331)
ENME 489N: Batteries: Operation, Modeling, and Reliability
ENME489P: Control of Smart Structures
ENME 489Q: Managing for Innovation and Quality
ENME489R: Molecular Thermodynamics
ENME489W: Aircraft Propulsion, Power, and Thermal Systems Design and Simulation
ENME 489Y: Remote Sensing [Video]
ENRE 447: Fundamentals of Reliability Engineering – Counts as an ENME 4XX
ENME 407: Iceland, the Land of Fire and Ice – Sustainability, Climate Change and Renewable Energy Systems
This is a study abroad experience!
ENME 445: Design for Reliability
ENME 470: Finite Element Analysis
ENME488C: Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering: Product-based Startup Entrepreneurship
ENME488D: Control of Mobile Robots
ENME 202: Computing Fundamentals for Engineers – Required for most students entering ME Fall 2017 or later only
ENME 272: Introduction to CAD
ENME 331: Fluid Mechanics
ENME 332: Transfer Processes
ENME 350: Electronics & Instrumentation I
ENME 351: Electronics & Instrumentation II
ENME 361: Vibrations, Controls, & Optimization I
ENME 371: Product Engineering & Manufacturing
ENME 382: Introduction to Engineering Materials
ENME 392: Statistical Methods for Product and Processes Development
ENME 400: Machine Design – Required for students entering ME Fall 2015 or later only
ENME 462: Vibrations, Controls, & Optimization II
ENME 472: Integrated Product & Product Processes Development
BMGT 360: Strategic Management of Human Capital
BMGT 461N: Entrepreneurship
BMGT 468T: Creativity for Innovators and Entrepreneurs Outdoor Edition
BMGT 468U: Social Entrepreneurship Laboratory
ENES 317: Intro to Engineering Leadership
ENES 460: Fundamentals of Technology Startup Ventures – Summer / Winter online course
ENES 472: International Business Cultures for Engineering and Technology
ENES 489P: Hands-On Systems Engineering Projects
MATH 462: Partial Differential Equations
PHYS 420: Principles of Modern Physics
Additional Information and Course Applications
Technical Electives Handbook
- Complete the
application for ENME 408
- Submit the completed application to Dr. Hamilton at
- If your application is approved, you will be given permission to enroll in the course and notified
- Open to students with prior team and project work
- Download and fill out the ENME488 questionnaire found HERE
- Submit the completed application to Kerri Poppler James at
- If your application is approved, you will be given permission to enroll in the course and notified
- Open to juniors and seniors with a GPA of 3.0 or higher
- Meet with your supervising faculty member to define a project, method, and criteria for assessment and deadlines
- Complete the ENME 488 application:
Required Course Syllabi
- ENME 202: Computing Fundamentals for Engineers
- Required for most students entering ME Fall 2017 or later only
- ENME 272: Introduction to CAD
- ENME 331: Fluid Mechanics
- ENME 332: Transfer Processes
- ENME 350: Electronics & Instrumentation I
- ENME 351: Electronics & Instrumentation II
- ENME 361: Vibrations, Controls, & Optimization I
- ENME 371: Product Engineering & Manufacturing
- ENME 382: Introduction to Engineering Materials
- ENME 392: Statistical Methods for Product and Processes Development
- ENME 400: Machine Design
- Required for students entering ME Fall 2015 or later only
- ENME 462: Vibrations, Controls, & Optimization II
- ENME 472: Integrated Product & Product Processes Development
Optional Course Syllabi
- ENME 201: Careers in Mechanical Engineering
Technical Electives Handbook
Summer Course Syllabi
- ENME 207: Fabrication and Machine Tool Practices for Engineering [Video]
ENME 400: Machine Design
- This is a required course for anyone entering the ME major in Fall 2015 or later, for students entering ME in Spring 2015 or earlier, this is an elective
ENME 407: Iceland, the Land of Fire and Ice – Sustainability, Climate Change and Renewable Energy Systems
- This is a study abroad experience!
ENME 414: Computer-Aided Design
- ENME 414 = ENME 272 for students required to take CAD
- Credit is only given for ENME 272 or ENME 414
- ENAE 488D in summer II covers different CAD subjects. It can be taken as an out of major tech elective by ME students.
ENME 421: Design Ideation
- Note: The summer course will be online. The syllabus listed here was used for the in-person, spring 2017 course. Topics covered will be similar but the course layout will be different since this is an online course.
- ENME 445: Design for Reliability
ENME 470: Finite Element Analysis
- ENME489K: Design for Safety
Fall 2023 Elective Syllabi
ENME 400: Machine Design
- This is a required course for anyone entering the ME major in Fall 2015 or later, for students entering ME in Spring 2015 or earlier, this is an elective
ENME 408: Automotive Design
- To get permission for this course, complete the application found HERE
ENME 416: Additive Manufacturing [Video]
ENME 423: Modern Climate Control Engineering
ENME 426: Production Management [Video]
ENME 430: Fundamentals of Nuclear Reactor Engineering [Video]
ENME 432: Reactor and Radiation Measurements Lab
ENME 440: Applied Machine Learning for Engineering & Design [Video]
ENME 442: Information Security [Video]
ENME 444: Assistive Robotics
ENME 454: Vehicle Dynamics
ENME 467: Engineering for Social Change
ENME 470: Finite Element Analysis
ENME 473: Mechanical Design of Electronic Systems
ENME 486: Computational Modeling
ENME 489B: Mechatronics and the Internet of Things
ENME 489C: Medical Robotics [Video]
ENME 489F: Dynamics of Flight
ENME 489G: Manufacturing Processes and Design
ENME 489V: Mechanical Contracting
ENME 489X: Energy Conversion Systems for Sustainability
Winter 2024 Syllabi
*Winter term registration begins for everyone on 10/17/2023.
ENME 400: Machine Design
- This is a required course for anyone entering the ME major in Fall 2015 or later, for students entering ME in Spring 2015 or earlier, this is an elective
ENME 445: Design for Reliability
Spring 2024 Elective Syllabi
ENME 401: Engineering Design Realization
ENME 406: Roller Coaster Engineering
ENME 408: Automotive Design
ENME 410: Design Optimization
- ENME 413: Bio-Inspired Robotics
ENME416: Additive Manufacturing
ENME420: De-carbonization of Building Systems through Energy Audit, Renewable Energy, and Electrification
ENME424: Urban Microclimate and Energy
ENME 427: CSI – Mechanical Eng: Finding Reasons for Compromised Structural Integrity [Video]
ENME 431: Nuclear Reactor Systems & Safety [Video]
ENME 433: Nuclear Reactor Design
ENME 436: Sustainable Energy
ENME 461: Control Systems Lab
ENME 464: Cost Analysis for Engineers [Video]
ENME 465: Probability Based Design [Video]
- ENME467: Engineering for Social Change
ENME 466: Lean Six Sigma Strategy & Methods [Video]
ENME 467: Engineering for Social Change
ENME 488A: Urgency and Agency: Tackling Local (and Global) Sustainability Challenges
ENME 489D: Flight Dynamics & Simulation [Video]
ENME489E: Design for Sustainability
ENME489M: Advanced Fluid Mechanics with Applications (Pre-req: ENME202 and ENME331)
ENME 489N: Batteries: Operation, Modeling, and Reliability
ENME489P: Control of Smart Structures
ENME 489Q: Managing for Innovation and Quality
ENME489R: Molecular Thermodynamics
ENME489W: Aircraft Propulsion, Power, and Thermal Systems Design and Simulation
ENME 489Y: Remote Sensing [Video]
ENRE 447: Fundamentals of Reliability Engineering
- Counts as an ENME 4XX
Fall 2024 Elective Syllabi
Fall 2024 Registration & Electives
ENME 401: Entrepreneurial Design Realization – Dr. Bigio
ENME 401: Entrepreneurial Design Realization – Dr. Nguyen
ENME 408: Selected Topics in Engineering Design; Automotive Design
ENME 416: Additive Manufacturing
ENME 417: Numerical Methods in Engineering
ENME 423: Modern Climate Control and Building Energy Design/Analysis
ENME 424: Urban Microclimate and Energy
ENME425: Energy Conversion Systems and Sustainability
ENME 426: Product Management
ENME430: Fundamentals of Nuclear Reactor Engineering
ENME 432: Reactor and Radiation Measurements Laboratory
ENME434: Engineering Quantum Systems and Sensors
ENME441: Mechatronics and the Internet of Things
ENME 444: Assistive Robotics
ENRE 454: Vehicle Dynamics
ENME 470: Finite Element Analysis
ENME 473: Mechanical Design of Electronic Systems
ENME 480: Introduction to Robotics
ENME 489C: Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering; Sustainable Energy Conversion and the Environment
ENME489F: Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering; Dynamics of Atmospheric Flight
ENME489O: Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering; Design for Manufacturing and Assembly
ENME 489U: Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering; Fluid Structure Interactions
ENME 489V: Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering; Mechanical Contracting
Elective Syllabi Offered Irregularly
ENME289P: Special Topics: Additive manufacturing for Prosthetic Design
ENME 470: Finite Element Analysis
- ENME 424: Urban Microclimate & Energy [Video]
ENME 426: Production Management [Video]
ENME 481: Lab on a Chip Microsystems
ENME 484: Analysis of Turbulent Flow
ENME 486: Computational Modeling, Simulation, and Interactive Visualization [Video]
- ENME488: Entrepreneurial Design Realization
- ENME483: Physics of Turbulent Flow
- ENME489B: Human Reliability Analysis
ENME 489B: Mechatronics & the Internet of Things
ENME 489C: Medical Robotics [Video]
ENME 489L: Bio-Inspired Robotics [Video]
ENME 489R: Fiber Optics
ENME 489M: Ultra Energy Efficient Thermal System Design II
ENME 489O: Micro/Nano Robotics
ENME 489R: Fiber Optics
- ENME 489W: Pollution & Waste Technology
Examples of Approved Out of Major Syllabi
BMGT 360: Strategic Management of Human Capital
BMGT 461N: Entrepreneurship
BMGT 468T: Creativity for Innovators and Entrepreneurs Outdoor Edition
BMGT 468U: Social Entrepreneurship Laboratory
ENES 317: Intro to Engineering Leadership
ENES 460: Fundamentals of Technology Startup Ventures
- Summer / Winter online course
ENES 472: International Business Cultures for Engineering and Technology
ENES 489P: Hands-On Systems Engineering Projects
MATH 462: Partial Differential Equations
PHYS 420: Principles of Modern Physics